Non-Shrink Polyester / Nomex Bolt Insulation


These Multi-layered spiral wound Bolt Insulation sleeve is designed to fit over Standard Metric and Imperial sized flange bolts. The sleeves are constructed from UL recognized Nomex® and Non-Shrink Polyester materials. Consistent characteristics and ease of application give manufacturers a cost-efficient means to boost mechanical reliability. They offer unrivalled durability, toughness, protection and insulation and can be made in both Metric and Imperial diameter sizes.

Although designed for the pipe flange bolt insulation industry, these products find alternative uses in the insulation of retaining rods in transformers and other electrical apparatus.

Where for technical reasons the clearance between bolt and flange hole diameter is restricted, these products can also be supplied in a high shrink form to overcome assembly difficulties

More features

Sizes available in various wall thicknesses depending on either purchasing Imperial or Metric, supplied in 1 or 2 meter lengths.

  • Imperial Wall thickness 1/32 inch (0.800m)
  • Metric wall thicknesses 0.5mm (0.019”)

Standard Metric Bolt diameter sizes range from

4mm (M4) to 100mm (M100) all are made applying industry standard internal diameter clearances. A blue stripe is added to the metric bolt to prevent identity confusion.

Imperial diameter sizes range from ½“ to 3 ¾” and all are made applying industry standard internal diameter clearances



Technical Data

Electrical Properties – Nomex®  Bolt Insulation

Property of Base Material 50μm (2 mil) 75μm (3 mil) 125μm (5 mil) Test Method
Dielectric strength (AC Rapid Rise) (V/mil) 430 550 680 ASTM D149*
Dielectric constant at 60Hz 1.6 1.6 2.4 ASTM D3426
*Corresponds with IEC 243-1, 9.1m except for electrode set up of 50mm


Physical Properties – Nomex®  Bolt Insulation

Property of Base Material 50μm (2 mil) 75μm (3 mil) 125μm (5 mil) Test Method
Weight g/m2 41 63 116 ASTM D646
Density [g/cc] 0.72 0.08 0.13


Mechanical Properties – Nomex®  Bolt Insulation

Property of Base Material 50μm (2 mil) 75μm (3 mil) 125μm (5 mil) Test Method
Tensile Strength (Newtons/cm)
Along machine direction (MD) 39 65 137 ASTM D828
Across machine direction (TD) 18 32 66
Elongation Before Failure (%)
MD 9 11 15 ASTM D828
TD 6 8 12
Elmendorf Tear (N)
MD 0.8 1.2 3.4 TAPP1-414
TD 1.6 2.3 5.2
Initial Tear Strength (Newtons)
MD 11 16 33 TAPP1-414
TD 6 8 17
Shrinkage at 300ºC (%)
MD 2.2 1.1 0.9 ASTM D1004
TD 0.1 0.0 0.0


Electrical Properties – Non-Shrink Polyester Bolt Insulation

Property of Base Film Typical Value Test Condition Test Method
Dielectric strength (v) 6400 25ºC, 50Hz and 50mm electrode ASTM D 149-64
Film thickness (mm) 0.0254 25ºC, 7500v, 150ºC 5000v
Surface Resistivity

ohms per square




25ºC, 30% relative humidity


ASTM D 257-78


Physical Properties – Non-Shrink Polyester Bolt Insulation

Property of Base Film Typical Value Test Condition Test Method
Tensile Mpa (Machine Direction) 200 25ºC ASTM D 882-80
Elongation % (MD) 130 25ºC ASTM D 882-80
Stress to produce 5% elongation Mpa (MD) 105 25ºC ASTM D 882-80
Moisture absorption less than 8% 24hrs at 25ºC immersion ASTM D 570-63


Thermal Properties – Non-Shrink Polyester Bolt Insulation

Property of Base Film Typical Value Test Method
Melt Point (526-528K) 253-255°C ASTM D 3148-82


Technical Data

Wall thickness 0.5mm

Supplied in standard lengths of 1000mm and 2000mm


Bolt Diameter

Minimum Internal Tube Diameter (mm) Maximum External Tube Diameter (mm)
8 8.25 9.51
10 10.25 11.51
12 12.25 13.51
14 14.25 15.51
16 16.25 17.51
18 18.25 19.51
20 20.25 21.51
22 22.25 23.51
24 24.25 25.51
26 26.25 27.51
27 27.25 28.51
30 30.50 31.76
33 33.50 34.76
36 36.50 37.76
39 39.50 40.76
42 42.50 43.76
45 45.50 46.76
48 48.75 50.01
52 52.75 54.21
56 56.75 58.21
60 60.75 62.21
64 64.75 66.21
68 68.75 70.21
72 72.75 74.21
76 76.75 78.21
80 80.75 82.21
84 84.75 86.21
88 88.75 90.21
92 92.75 94.21
96 96.75 98.21
100 100.75 102.21