CeramicSpeed Ball Bearings


Hybrid ball bearings are the future for electric motor manufacturers. The demand for stronger and more durable bearings for electric motors is increasing and in many applications, conventional steel balls in motor bearings are no longer sufficient.
The requirements for bearings for an electric motor are numerous. They must bear the load of the shaft and be precise in order to keep the distance between the rotor and stator small and constant. In addition, a motor with variable speed control via pulse width modulation (PWM) must be able to cope with different speeds. At the same time, the bearings should operate quietly and vibration-free.
The CeramicSpeed Insulate product line addresses all of these points to offer you the best solution package in a bearing. Our highest quality ceramic silicon nitride (Si3N4) balls offer a four times smoother and two times harder surface compared to steel balls. This results in a much lower internal bearing rolling resistance, which saves energy. The bearing operating temperature is reduced by up to 40°C and vibrations in the bearing are reduced. As the ceramic material is lighter compared to steel, it offers higher speeds under the same operating conditions as the steel bearing of the same size.


Product information on CeramicSpeed Ball Bearings



More speed thanks to more power and longer service life The elimination of friction thanks to CeramicSpeed Ball Bearings means more speed with less effort. In addition, the lower rotational weight leads to faster acceleration and less friction, which is made possible by high-quality ceramic bearings.


Product information on CeramicSpeed Ball Bearings
