Nomex®/Mylar® insulating tubes, non-shrinking, class F (155 °C)



Wound Insulation Tubes made of multi-layer composite for applications in electric motors of temperature class F.


  • Inner diameter from 2.00 mm to 200.00 mm with any wall thickness
  • Robust composite made from DuPont™ Mylar® and Nomex®
  • Suitable for insulation in temperature class F applications with continuous temperatures up to 155 °C.
  • Base material UL


The non-shrinking Mylar®/Nomex® insulating tube is used for robust insulation in electrical applications. It is wound very precisely from a composite of Mylar® and Nomex®. It has a high dielectric strength and mechanical impact resistance and is also suitable for demanding applications. It prevents electrical short circuits in electric motor windings.



Technical data

Outer laminate: DuPont™ Mylar® A polyester film

Electrical properties
Properties of the film Typical value Test condition Test method
Dielectric strength [V] 6400 25 ºC, 50 Hz and 50 mm electrode gap ASTM D 149-64
Film thickness [mm] 0,0254 25 ºC, 7500 V , 150 ºC 5000 V
Surface resistance [W /Quadrat] 1016 25 ºC, 30 % relative humidity ASTM D 257-78


Physical properties
Properties of the film Typical value Test condition Test method
Tear strength running direction (LR) [Mpa] 200 25 ºC ASTM D 882-80
Elongation at break (LR) [%] 130 25 ºC ASTM D 882-80
Tension for 5% elongation (LR) [Mpa] 105 25 ºC ASTM D 882-80
Moisture absorption less than 8% immersed for 24 h at 25 ºC ASTM D 570-63


Thermal properties
Properties of the film Typical value Test method
Melting point 253-255°C ASTM D 3148-82


Inner laminate: DuPont ™ Nomex® 410

Electrical properties
Properties of the film 50 µm 1mil 75 µm

2 mil

125 µm 3mil Test method
Dielectric strength (AC steep rise) [V/mil] 430 550 680 ASTM D149*
Dielectric constant at 60Hz 1,6 1,6 2,4 ASTM D3426


*Complies with IEC 243-1, 9.1 with the exception of the electrode gap of 50 mm.


Physical properties
Properties of the film 50 µm 75 µm 125 µm Test method
Weight [g/m2] 41 63 116 ASTM D646
Density [g/cm3] 0,72 0,08 0,13


Mechanical properties
Properties of the film 50 µm 75 µm 125 µm Test method
Tear resistance
in running direction (LR) LR [N/cm] 39 65 137 ASTM D828
transverse to running direction (QR) QR 18 32 66
Tear elongation


[%] 9 11 15 ASTM D828
6 8 12
Tear resistance (Elmendorf)


[N) 0,8 1,2 3,4 TAPP1-414
1,6 2,3 5,2
Tear resistance


[N) 11 16 33 TAPP1-414
6 8 17
Shrinkage at 300 ºC


[%] 2,2 1,1 0,9 ASTM D1004
0,1 0 0


Influence of moisture on the properties of DuPont™ Nomex® 410

Electrical properties
Moisture content oven dry 50 % 96 %
DuPont™ Nomex® 410 – 0.25 mm
Dielectric strength [kV/mm]

(AC steep rise) [V/mil]







Dielectric constant
at 60 Hz 2,5 2,7 3,2 ASTM D150
at 1 KHz 2,3 2,6 3,1
Loss factor
at 60 Hz 6 x10-3 6 x10-3 11×10-3
at 1 KHz 13×10-3 14×10-3 25×10-3
Contact resistance [W/cm] 6 x 1016 2 x 1016 2 x 1014 ASTM D257


Physical properties
DuPont™ Nomex® 410 – 0.08 mm
Moisture content oven dry 50 % 65 % 95 %
in running direction (LR) LR

transverse to running direction (QR) QR

[%] 0 0,4 0,6 0,9
0 0,5 0,8 1,6
Moisture absorption [%] 0 2,9 4,9 7,7


Item number:

Example: IRNNM0100/005/0500
IRNNM = master number
0100 = 1.00 mm diameter
005 = 0.05 mm wall thickness
0500 = 500 mm length