Kapton®/ Nomex® End Caps, non-shrinking, class H (180 °C)



End Caps, non-shrinking, for insulation in varnish-impregnated electric motors of temperature class H.


  • Available with inner diameters from 2.00 mm and with wall thicknesses from 0.0350
  • Five-layer composite of DuPont™ Nomex® 411 and Kapton® results in high dielectric strength and high mechanical stability.
  • The materials are UL
  • Suitable for use in temperature class H up to 180 °C.


The multi-layer, non-shrink End Caps made of DuPont™ Kapton® film and Nomex® are designed for use in paint-soaked electric motors. Two layers of Nomex® type 411 form a composite with a protective layer of three layers of Kapton®. The non-calendered, inner insulation takes on the properties of the impregnating varnish during impregnation, thus increasing the dielectric strength and mechanical stability of the End Caps. The penetrated impregnating varnish also secures the End Caps in position. The End Caps retain their mechanical and electrical properties even at high temperatures. The ultrasonic welding of the End Caps is chemically resistant and contributes to the robustness of the Products. These non-shrink End Caps are very suitable for use in series production where easy processing is required. They are mainly used in electric motors, aviation and the automotive industry.



Technical data

Properties: DuPont™ Kapton® HN


Electrical properties
Property Typical value (25 µm) Test condition Test method
-195 °C 25 °C 200 °C
Dielectric strength [kV] 10,8 7,0 5,6 60 Hz ASTM D 149-64
Dielectric constant 3,5 3,0 1000 Hz ASTM D 150-64T
Loss factor 3 2 1000 Hz ASTM D 150-64T
Contact resistance [Ω/m] 1016 1012 ASTM D 257-61
Surface resistance [Ω per square] 1016 50% Relative humidity ASTM D 257-61
Corona discharge voltage [V] 465 50% Relative humidity ASTM D 1868-61T
Insulation resistance [MW/F] 100000 measured with
capacitor 0.05 µF wound from 25 µm H foil


Physical properties
Property Typical value Film 25 µm for Test method
-195°C 25°C 200°C
Tear resistance (LR) [kg/m2] [MPa] 2450






ASTM D 882-64T
Yield strength (LR) [kg/m2] [MPa 700




ASTM D 882-64T
Tension for 5% elongation (LR) [kg/m2] [MPa 910




ASTM D 882-64T
Yield point ( LR) [%] 2 70 90 ASTM D 882-64T
Tension module (LR) [kg/cm2]








ASTM D 882-64T
Impact resistance (D) [kg/cm] [N/m] 6


DuPont™ Pneumatic Impact Test
Folding resistance (MIT) Cycles 10’000 ASTM D 2176-63T
Tear resistance (Elmendorf) 878 ASTM D 1922-61T
Tear resistance (Graves) [g]


ASTM D 1004-61
Burst test (Mullen) [kg/cm2] [kPa] 5.25


ASTM D 774-63T
Density [Mg/m2] 1,42 ASTM D 1505-63T
Coefficient of sliding friction (film to film) 0,42 ASTM D 1894-63
Refractive index (Becke Line) 1,78 Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Physics, Volume 1
Grammage [m2/kg] 28 Calculation


Thermal properties
Property Typical value for film 25 µm Test condition Test method
Melting point none
Zero Strength Temperature*) 815°C 1.4 kg/cm2 (138 kPa) Load during 5 s Hot Bar (DuPont™ Test)

Softening temperature



25 µm

50-125 µm

Weighted Probe on Heated Film (DuPont™ Test)
Thermal expansion coefficient 2.0 x 10-5/K -14°C to 38°C ASTM D 696-44
Thermal conductivity coefficient [cal)] cm] 3.72×10-4 [cm2][s][°C] [0 .,156W/m/K] 25 °C Model TC-1 000 Twin Heatmeter Comparative Tester
3.89×10-4 ([cm2][s][°C] [0,163W/m/K] 75 °C
4.26×10-4 [cm2][s][°C] [0,178W/m/K] 200 °C
Flammability self-extinguishing
heat sealable no
Heat capacity 0.261 cal/g/°C (1092 J/kg/K) 40 °C Differential calorimeter


*) Temperature at which the film can withstand a tension of 0.014 MPas (20psi) for 5 s.


Inner laminate: DuPont™ Nomex® Grade 411

Electrical properties
Properties of the film Film thickness Test condition Test method
0,130mm 0,180mm
Dielectric strength [kV/mm] 12 12 AC steep ascent ASTM D 149
Dielectric constant 1,3 1,3 1000 Hz ASTM D 150
Loss factor 0,005 0,005 1000 Hz ASTM D 150


Physical properties
Properties of the film Typical value Test condition Test method
Tear resistance


[N/cm] 17 28 ASTM D 828-60
9 17 ASTM D 828-60
Yield point


[%] 3,5 3,5 ASTM D 828-60
4.,8 5 ASTM D 828-60


Item number:

Example: IENKN0100/005/0050
IENKN = master number
0100 = 1.00 mm inner diameter
005 = 0.05 mm wall thickness
0050 = 50 mm inner length (without protrusion)