Mylar®/Nomex® End Caps, shrinkable, class F (155 °C)


Cost-effective insulation of wire ends in lacquer-impregnated electric motors of temperature class F

  • Reliable fixation due to shrinkage of 35%.
  • Available with inner diameters from 2.50 mm to 65 mm and wall thicknesses from 0.240
  • Fast shrinking within 10 seconds.
  • Excellent dielectric strength and
  • Structure made from a five-ply composite of Dupont™ Mylar® and
  • Nomex®-
  • The slides are UL approved.
  • Resistant to most oils and refrigerants.
  • Suitable for applications in temperature class F at
  • Continuous temperatures of 155°C..

The shrinkable Mylar®/Nomex® End Caps insulate and secure electrical connections in electric motors and other applications. They have a high dielectric strength and impact resistance and are also suitable for demanding applications in temperature class F. They can also withstand temperatures of up to 160°C for short periods. By attaching End Caps, short circuits caused by wire residues can be avoided. They are mainly used in the windings of encapsulated and open electric motors.


Technical data

Outer laminate: DuPont™ Mylar®

Electrical properties
Properties of the base film Typical value Test condition Test method
37.5 HS Slide (37 μm)
Dielectric strength [kV] > 3,5 ASTM D 149


Physical properties
Properties of the base film Typical value Test condition Test method
37.5 HS film (37 μm)
Tear resistance


[Mpa] 190 Running direction (LR) ASTM D 882
260 Transverse direction (QR) ASTM D 882
Yield [(m2/kg] 19,10
Tension module
[Mpa] 2’100 LR ASTM D 882
3’600 QR ASTM D 882
Yield strength [(%] 170 LR ASTM D 882
110 QR ASTM D 882
Water vapor permeability [g/m2/24 h] 15 38°C, 90% relative humidity ASTM F 1249
Oxygen permeability [cm3/m2/24 h] 75 before shrinking ASTM D 3985
30-45 after shrinking ASTM D 3985


Optical properties
Properties of the base film Typical value Test method
Melting point 253-255°C (526-528K) ASTM D 3148-82


Inner laminate: DuPont™ Nomex® Grade 411

Electrical properties
Properties of the film Film thickness Test condition Test method
0.130 mm 0.180 mm
Dielectric strength [kV/mm] 12 12 AC steep ascent ASTM D 149
Dielectric constant 1,3 1,3 1000 Hz ASTM D 150
Loss factor 0,005 0,005 10009 Hz ASTM D 150


Physical properties
Properties of the film Typical value Test condition Test method
Tensile strength


[N/cm] 17 28 ASTM D 828-60
9 17 ASTM D 828-60


[%] 3,5 3,5 ASTM D 828-60
4,8 5 ASTM D 828-60


Item number:

Example: IESMN0100/005/0050
IESMN = master number
0100 = 1.00 mm inner diameter
005 = 0.05 mm wall thickness
0050 = 50 mm inner length (without protrusion)