Polyolefin low-temperature heat shrink tubing SSPONT



Shrink rate 2 : 1


Operating temperature: -40 °C to 125 °C


Shrink temperature: > 80 °C


Burning behavior: flame-retardant


Application: for heat-sensitive components



Technical features:

Test Values
Tensile strength ISO 37 >10 MPa
Elongation at break ISO 37 > 200%
Thermal shock ASTM D2671 (4 h at 200°C) no dripping, breaking or flowing
Heat aging Elongation at break ISO 188 (168 h at 200 ˚C)

ISO 37


> 150%

Shrinkage rate at 80°C > 50%
Flexibility at low temperatures ASTM D2671 (4 h at -45°C) no breaking
Flammability (exception transparent) MVSS 302 passed
Dielectric strength IEC 243-1 > 15kV/mm
Corrosion (copper mirror) ASTM D2671 no corrosion
Resistance to liquids

> Petrol, diesel

> Hydraulic oil

> Lubricating oil

> Tensile strength

> Elongation at break

ISO 1817










>5 MPa

> 175%



Master number min. diameter max. diameter shrunk Wall thickness after shrinkage Roll length [m]
[mm] [inches] [mm] [inches] [mm] [inches]
SSPONT3/64″ 1,2 0.046 0,6 0.023 0,33 0.018 150
SSPONT1/16″ 1,6 0.063 0,8 0.031 0,36 0.018 150
SSPONT3/32″ 2,4 0.093 1,2 0.046 0,44 0.019 150
SSPONT1/8″ 3,2 0.125 1,6 0.062 0,44 0.019 150
SSPONT3/16″ 4,8 0.187 2,4 0.093 0,44 0.026 150
SSPONT1/4″ 6,4 0.250 3,2 0.125 0,56 0.026 75
SSPONT3/8″ 9,5 0.375 4,8 0.187 0,56 0.026 75
SSPONT1/2″ 12,7 0.500 6,4 0.250 0,56 0.029 75
SSPONT3/4″ 19,0 0.750 9,5 0.375 0,69 0.035 60
SSPONT1″ 25,4 1.000 12,7 0.500 0,77 0.039 60
SSPONT1-1/2″ 38,1 1.500 19,0 0.750 1,00 0.039 30
SSPONT2 50,8 2.000 25,4 1.000 1,15 0.045 30



black (sw), transparent (tr), red (rt), yellow (ge), blue (bl), white (ws), other colors on request


Article number:
Example: SSPONT3/64 “SW
SSPONT3/64” = master number
SW = color black