Shielding and high-current copper strips, stamped parts

The large number of possible variations (insulation foil depending on the temperature class, copper width and thickness with regard to current-carrying capacity and constructive design for compliance with clearance and creepage distances) allows compliance with technical and standard specifications in almost every situation.

Sketch Structure Master number
Polyester Nomex® Kapton® PEN
Insulated on one side, with overhang KA38181 KA38281 KA38381 KA38481 Simple insulation
Insulated on both sides with protrusion and with soldering gap KA38191 KA38291 KA38391 KA38491 Simple insulation
Insulated on both sides, with overhang KA38182 KA38282 KA38382 KA38482 Simple insulation
Insulated on both sides, with soldering gap KA38190 KA38290 KA38390 KA38490 Simple insulation
Double insulated on both sides, with soldering gap KA38193 KA38293 KA38393 KA38493 Double insulation
Insulated on both sides without protrusion and without soldering gap KA38192 KA38292 KA38392 KA38492 Simple insulation
KA38194 KA38294 KA38394 KA38494 Double insulation



Soldering gap
Copper insulation


Data sheets can be called up by clicking on the article number or are available on request.


Processing instructions